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Austria Honeymoon | 10 Nights
Från 1.734 €

Austria Honeymoon | 10 Nights

Skapad: söndag 21 juli 2024
Ref ID: 10369381
Total price From 3.468 €
Created: Sunday, July 21, 2024
Destinations: Vienna, Austria , Zell am See, Austria , Innsbruck, Austria , Salzburg, Austria , Vienna, Austria


Your day to day

07 sep.
1. Vienna
About the destination: Vienna is the capital and the largest city of the Republic of Austria. This beautiful, romantic city is renowned for its coffee culture and cafes, classical music and concert halls, historical buildings, horse-drawn carriages, and its enchanting streets. Vienna boasts a rich cultural diversity, and its central location in Europe makes it an ideal starting point for exploring the continent. Vienna is a remarkable city to visit, characterized by the Ringstrasse, a four-kilometer-long boulevard that encircles the city center. The city is replete with modern amenities and attractions, yet it is also steeped in reminders of its rich historical and cultural heritage. Outstanding museums, palaces, gardens, architectural masterpieces, remnants of ancient inhabitants, statues, and grand cafes coexist with trendy shops, top-notch restaurants, accessible music venues, contemporary museums and sculptures, and luxury hotels, making Vienna incredibly appealing. The extensive pedestrian-only streets of the old city are a joy to explore, lined with beautiful old buildings, bustling with people of all ages, filled with local shops, boutiques and cafes, and offering surprises at every turn. The city center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Vienna is a blend of history and music, poetry and culture, modernism and tradition, nostalgia and grandeur.
07 sep.
Car rental
Skoda Kamiq /AC/A/4dr
Wien Schwechat
Vienna Airport (Desk at Airport) - Car Rental Center, P4
12:00 - 7 Sep 2024
Wien Schwechat
Vienna Airport (Desk at Airport) - Car Rental Center, P4
12:00 - 18 Sep 2024
Driver age

Minimum 18, Maximum 99


Pickup full return full

Payment rules
Deposit applicable to this booking
850 EUR charged in CreditCard
Theft protection
Included, please check the conditions
Collision damage waiver
Included, please check the conditions

Vienna Airport (Desk at Airport) - Car Rental Center, P4 - Telephone:

Car Rental Center, P4, Vienna, 1300, Austria


Vienna Airport (Desk at Airport) - Car Rental Center, P4 - Telephone

Car Rental Center, P4, Vienna, 1300, Austria

Transport from Vienna to Zell am See
No transport selected
09 sep.
2. Zell am See
About the destination: Zell am See serves as the administrative hub for the Zell am See District in the Austrian state of Salzburg. A visit to Zell am See promises a unique holiday experience, regardless of whether it's summer or winter. It's a place where you can appreciate the beauty of lakes, mountains, and the perpetual ice of the Kitzsteinhorn glacier. The expansive Zell am See-Kaprun ski area is ideal for both professional skiers/snowboarders and novices. The ski season in Zell am See-Kaprun begins in early fall and lasts until early summer. The well-maintained bike paths in the Salzburg vacation region are perfect for families and cyclists who prefer a leisurely pace. Along the way, you'll find numerous inns and cafes to satisfy your refreshment needs. For a relaxing spa day in Zell am See-Kaprun, consider the modern "Taunern Spa" located near Mount Kitzsteinhorn, or one of the many wellness & spa hotels offering a wide array of beauty and wellness treatments. In Zell am See, you can also engage in other activities such as hiking, golfing, aviation, or shopping.
Transport from Zell am See to Innsbruck
No transport selected
12 sep.
3. Innsbruck
關於目的地: 因斯布鲁克是蒂罗尔州的省会和奥地利第五大城市,是该国冬季活动的中心,偶尔也是世界高山兴趣的中心,曾举办过两次冬季奥运会。 Nordkette 缆车和广泛的山路网络从因斯布鲁克辐射开来,使冬季滑雪者和夏季徒步旅行者同样可以到达令人惊叹的阿尔卑斯山周围。 Altstad 是因斯布鲁克的中心,Goldenes Dachl,Golden Roof,既是 Altstad 的中心,也是这座城市的标志。这座 15 世纪的建筑是哥特式和巴洛克式的混合体,当然还有金色屋顶。内部的壁画展示了当时贵族的生活场景。当前结构上的所有装饰都是精心制作的复制品。原始浮雕永久陈列在蒂罗尔州立博物馆,也被称为蒂罗尔国家博物馆。大楼内设有金屋顶博物馆,展出有关马克西米利安一世皇帝及其时代的展览,以及因斯布鲁克市徽的历史。哥特式艺术爱好者不应错过 Tiroler Landesmuseum,其藏品包括色彩精美、蚀刻精美的彩色玻璃窗、一些祭坛和绘画以及一系列现代作品。 Maria-Theresien Strasse 是因斯布鲁克的主要街道,是漫步或坐在旁边的咖啡馆之一观看行人的好地方。在一端有通往老城区的凯旋门。 Maria-Theresien Strasse 是一个可爱的步行区,拥有人行道咖啡馆、巴洛克式建筑、餐厅,并享有壮丽的山脉景色。因斯布鲁克提供了一个相当独特的冬季假期提议,将壮丽的山景与宏伟的建筑以及拥有数百家商店、餐馆和时髦酒吧的大城市的喧嚣融为一体。
從因斯布魯克到 薩爾茨堡
15 sep.
4. 薩爾茨堡
關於目的地: 萨尔茨堡是莫扎特的出生地,位于奥地利和德国的交界处。萨尔察赫河将萨尔茨堡的老城和新城分隔开来。老城区令人印象深刻且集中。它以广阔的 Residenzplatz 为中心,主要是步行区。相对较新的城镇中心围绕着 Mirabellplatz 和 Markartplatz。萨尔茨堡令人印象深刻的山丘直接从老城区拔地而起。最显眼的山顶防御工事是霍亨萨尔茨堡 (Hohensalzburg),它在古老的凯尔特人和罗马人遗址上建造了几个世纪,现在是欧洲保存完好的最大的中世纪城堡。要想欣赏另一种壮丽景色,请参观紧邻萨尔察赫河和莫扎特音乐艺术大学的米拉贝尔宫及其花园。这座城堡是一位大主教为他心爱的妓女建造的。您可以漫步在奢华的玫瑰花园和花园中,惊叹于 Zwerglgarten 的石矮人。要了解莫扎特和他的生平,请前往他的 Geburtshaus,即莫扎特的出生地。这条街本身就值得一看,行会标志和彩绘墙壁装饰与莫扎特出生时很像。这座房子展示了莫扎特创作的各种歌剧的图片、信件和舞台布景。萨尔茨堡被森林覆盖的群山所保护,是一座迷人的城市,其声音在世界上最崇高的音乐中得到了表达,这些音乐是由他最喜欢的儿子莫扎特创作的。产生莫扎特无与伦比的音乐天才的时代也建造了萨尔茨堡美丽的城堡和教堂,并催生了对音乐的热爱,这种热爱在萨尔茨堡无数的音乐会系列和一年一度的夏季音乐节中延续至今。
從薩爾茨堡到 維也納
17 sep.
5. 維也納
關於目的地: 維也納是奧地利共和國的首都和最大城市。這是一個美麗浪漫的城市,以其咖啡文化和咖啡館,古典音樂和音樂廳,歷史建築,馬車和迷人的街道而聞名。維也納擁有豐富的文化多樣性,其位於歐洲中心的地理位置使其成為環遊歐洲的絕佳起點。 維也納是一個令人印象深刻的城市,這座城市以環形大街為主,這是一條四公里長的林蔭大道,環繞著市中心。這座城市充滿了現代化的便利設施和景點,但也充滿了偉大的歷史和文化遺產的提醒。優秀的博物館、宮殿、花園、建築勝利、古代居民的遺跡、雕像和大咖啡館與時尚商店、一流的餐廳、無障礙音樂場所、現代博物館和雕塑以及高檔酒店融為一體,使維也納成為一個非常有吸引力的地方。老城區廣闊的步行街令人愉悅,兩旁是美麗的古老建築,年輕人和老年人居住,到處都是當地的商店,精品店和咖啡館,每個轉彎處都有意想不到的事情。中心城市是聯合國教科文組織世界遺產。 維也納是歷史與音樂,詩歌與文化,現代主義與傳統,懷舊與宏偉。
订单总价 从 3.468 €
2 成人
目的地 5
宿舍 5
汽车 1